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Things to Watch + Read ~ A Winter edition

Uninspired, bored, unmotivated ~ find yourself counting down the hours until you can hop into bed and pick back up where you left off binge watching another (let’s face it) pretty sub-par series?

To be honest, winter’s sapping the soul out of us ~ and has us googling such oddities as ‘why do I crave mashed potato in Winter?’ and “why do I sleep 9 hours and still find it hard getting up in the dark?”

The creative juices have just frozen dead cold in the arteries ~ nothing is flowing and we’re generally just feeling a bit sluggish and blagh.

So we wanted to celebrate the seasonal slump, we can’t do anything about it but offer you a chilly hand in solidarity, and a few suggestions to help pass the time until the Halcyon days of Summer are back upon us.

Something a little less Negative Nancy ~

To feast your eyes and ears on…

Things to Watch

We are all going to die

Our favourite feel good message.

Brain child of the hilarious Stefan Hunt, it all began after he developed that common condition we call anxiety. He questioned everything your average twenty-something questions - relationships, careers, tax returns, the meaning of Instagram and the meaning of life.

Coming to the realisation that the only real guarantee in life “is that we’re all going to die one day”

This movement is about kicking fear in the ass, an amusement park for the soul, reminding us to never take life too seriously.

So why not choose why not?, and embrace the uncertainty? Because even if you fail it all, there’s still only one guarantee*

Brene Brown (everything)

We LOVE this woman. Say no more

Make sure you watch these two:

On TED talks + on Netflix.

20th Century Women

Set in 1979 A single mother, enlists the help of 2 female boarders living in her home to raise her 15 year old son. It’s all feminism and modern family. Oh and its even on Netflix.

Things to Read

Truth in Beauty by Mukti

The only natural beauty + skincare bible you need. This book unveils all those hidden nasties in the skincare products we use(even the ones that say their natural!), what to steer clear of in the labels + exactly why.

It totally makes you want to completely overhaul your whole beauty cabinet and go au naturel.

Lola Berry Cookbook

Want to eat all the foods, well cook all the foods. Celebrate the fact you want to bunker in and turn it into a social affair, sharing your winter warmers.

@self.practice : A blog post on Self Practices for the home

Notes on how to make your house a home + the perfect nesty little sanctuary for rejuvenation + a little self care.

@sighswoon’s “How to have a positive experience on Instagram”

We’re all feeling a little ‘meh’ towards Instagram lately. What ever happened to it being all inspiration + sunsets? This put things into perspective + we just think everyone should read it!